Web developement & Design
Simple RxJS technique for debugging in Angular
By Estelle - 7/25/2024
TypeScript 'as const' annotation: advantages and examples
By Estelle - 1/28/2024
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that provides static typing and additional language features that help developers write more robust and scalable code. One of the language features that TypeScript provides is discriminated union types, which allow you to create complex types that are composed of simpler types.
By Estelle - 5/7/2023
What is a decorator and how to implement it for your custom needs?
By Estelle - 4/10/2023
Sogeti JavaScript Community talk (4th of April, 2023)
By Estelle - 4/8/2023
Why you should avoid else statement in your code.
By Estelle - 11/27/2022
CSS containment provides a way to isolate parts of a page and declare to the browser these parts are independent from the rest of the page in terms of styles and layout.
By Estelle - 11/19/2022
What is Change Detection in Angular Framework, how is it working, how to control it.
By Estelle - 10/15/2022
Simple and easy step by step tutorial to build a drag & drop feature, based on observables
Common RxJS operators explained and illustrated with examples
By Estelle - 9/26/2022
A new CSS selector which simplifies the styling of your web page.
By Estelle - 8/20/2022
By Estelle - 6/17/2022
Handy alias to know on which branch you were working on.
By Estelle - 2/6/2022
Review of the different options for template type checking in Angular, and emphasis on the power of strictTemplates option.
By Estelle - 2/5/2022
We compare the performance of the 3 methods shown in the previous post: spread operator, JSON.stringify and lodash cloneDeep.
By Estelle - 1/9/2022
Why and how cloning an object with a few different methods
By Estelle - 12/29/2021
trackBy function allows to tell Angular how to track items in the ngFor directive.
How to debug easily your angular projects with 'ng'.
By Estelle - 10/2/2021
In this post we go through some of the main best practices of TypeScript and what we can do to write a better code.
By Estelle - 7/23/2021
Step by step guide to configure ESLint into your TypeScript project
Quick tip to debug faster
By Estelle - 3/14/2021
Enhance user experience by providing multiple color themes
Quick tip to show you how to setup a dark mode using only one CSS property
Definition of TypeScript unknown type and some use cases
Comparison between || and ?? operators in JavaScript
Update object properties using the spread operator: interest and examples
We compare the performance of the 3 methods shown in the previous post
3 methods to easily remove duplicates from an array using JavaScript
Presentation of object destructuring, its interest and some examples